AW16 – Insomnia Incident
AW16 Insomnia Incident – Wide awake in the middle of the night. Rambling the streets of a sleepless city, quite silent but still alive of vibrant colourfull lights. Perhaps sleepwalking? A heavy vivid red absorbs and mystifies the dark cityscape. A never ending night full of wonders and happy moments. The last party ribbons gently sway in the garden, as the Twins return from their nocturnal journey. Time to sleep? The insisting neon green numbers on the alarmclock continously blinks, but time rarely passes. The night is almost turning to day. Still no sleep. Is it possible to stay forever in this intense moment between dream and reality?
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Shout T-Dress
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Shout T-Dress
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Maze Hood Bomber Jacket
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Fire Pocket T-Shirt
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Pom Pom Handknit Hat
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Lipstick Roll-neck Dress
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Lipstick Roll-neck Dress
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Moves Hood Waistcoat
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Moves Hood Waistcoat
- References
- Shop styles
- Product:
- Bonus Anorak